Midseason Doubles Money Tournament - Results
We had a disappointing 18 players show up for the Midseason Money Doubles Tournament yesterday. But what a bunch! You'll not meet 18 finer specimens of humanity in a hurry.
So down to business. In an eventful evening of pool the following teams scarpered with the loot:
1st Place: Joshua 'The Punisher' Suarez (JR Pub Super Strokers) & Joe 'The Broken Clock' Tetrick (Shenanigans)
2nd Place: Dave Pipes & Foster Burden (both Sam Ryan's Crackpots)
3rd Place: Sam Sheer (JR Pub Super Strokers) & Jim Sapielak (Dolce Vita Sweet Life)
4th Place: Ricnel 'Kingpin' Calimlim (JR Pub RackStars) & Sungmin Bahn (Shenanigans HELL FIRES)
Well done to the winners! A big thank you to Scott, Dave Pipes, and anyone else who helped the tournament run so smoothly.
And of course much appreciation to Shenanigans and JR Pub for hosting.
- Details
- Written by Ronan Spillane
- Category: Announcements
- Hits: 50
End of Season Awards Party
The End of Season Awards Party will be in JR Pub on Friday, January 10th.
Entry is free for those who have played at least 3 matches, 10,000won for those who have played 2 matches, and 20,000won for those who have played 1 match. The fee for guests is 25,000won.
Please let me know how many players from your team will attend by January 3rd. You do not need to let me know about guests!!
- Details
- Written by Ronan Spillane
- Category: Announcements
- Hits: 210
Midseason Singles Trophy Tournament - Results
We had a decent showing of 31 players for the Singles Trophy Tournament yesterday. 16 played in the Upper Bracket, and 15 in the Lower Bracket.
And the results are:
Lower Bracket
1st: Milo 'Goldmember' Ylstra (Sam Ryan's Rats)
2nd: HS 'Enzo K' Kim Sam Ryan's Crackpots)
3rd: Sarah 'Pear' Pearman (Dolce Vita HoboZ4Lyfe)
Upper Bracket
1st: Young Jin 'KD' Yi (King Pub Komodo Dragons)
2nd: Joshua 'The Punisher' Suarez (JR Pub Super Strokers)
3rd: Boyoung 'Bibi' Park (Dolce Vita Sweet Life)
Well done to the winners!!
Thanks to Scott, Darryl, Jim Dewey, and all the other players who helped the tournament run so smoothly.
And big thanks to Sam Ryans, Shenanigans, Dolce Vita, and JR Pub for hosting.
We hope to see many players out for the doubles tournament on March 22nd!
- Details
- Written by Ronan Spillane
- Category: Announcements
- Hits: 57
Playoffs Winners
And so another season has ended! Congratulations to last night's winners.
Championship A
1st Place: JR Pub Super Strokers
2nd Place: Dolce Vita Sweet Life
3rd Place: Shenanigans
Championship B
1st Place: Sam Ryan's Rats
2nd Place: Shenanigans HELL FIRES
3rd Place: Club Zion Avengers
- Details
- Written by Ronan Spillane
- Category: Announcements
- Hits: 111