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il y a 12 ans 10 mois #175 par Arnaud Ogier
Statistics a été créé par Arnaud Ogier
Hello,Could you add a new column that will be the average ratings of your opponents during the season.Maybe it's already done but I didn't find it.Thanks

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il y a 12 ans 10 mois #177 par Bernard Condrau
Réponse de Bernard Condrau sur le sujet Re:Statistics
Go to Statistics / Player Win Ratio.
I have added a column for the player's average rating throughout the season, the average of his/her opponents, and the highest and lowest rated opponent.
Sort by team or player name to find yourself in the statistics (or any other player you are looking for).

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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il y a 12 ans 10 mois #178 par Arnaud Ogier
Réponse de Arnaud Ogier sur le sujet Re:Statistics
very nice indeed,thanks

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Modérateurs: Bernard Condrau
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