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Bulldog to host weekly Individual Pool Tournaments

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12 년 11 월 전 - 12 년 11 월 전 #156 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
The owner of Bulldog agreed to sponsor a weekly

individual tournament on Sundays at 3PM.

Bulldog will donate W100,000 to the prize

pool if there are 9 or more players.

Entry fee is 10,000 Won.

First one will be on 10 July.
Last edit: 12 년 11 월 전 by Bernard Condrau.

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12 년 11 월 전 #157 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
new table and lights will be complete sunday morning before the tournament.

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12 년 11 월 전 #158 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
The new lights and table are finished at bulldog.... It is very nice... Come check it out today

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12 년 11 월 전 #159 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
There was a great turn out yesterday!!!!
18 Players showed and the results were:
1st Bhoy W160,000
2nd Dewey W80,000
3rd Brian Preckler W40,000
Play starts again next week on sunday.
Cutt off for signup is 1500 3PM.

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12 년 11 월 전 #160 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
There was also a second pick up tournament
9 Ball
1st Dewey 110000 Won
2nd Bhoy 70000 Won
3rd Brian30000 Won

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12 년 11 월 전 #161 작성자 Jeff Potter
Haha...yeah sounds like a tournament I want to join! Dewey, Brian, and Bhoy finishing first, second and third in both...:wink:

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.063 초


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