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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Thanks to All for a "GREAT BANQUET" Well done!


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Thanks to All for a "GREAT BANQUET" Well done!

  • Tim
  • Auteur du sujet
  • Visiteur
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il y a 13 ans 9 mois #104 par Tim
The banquet Saturdaywas one of the best ever in my view. A very somber moment in remembering Bob and the the way presented was heart felt. Well done. Bob's memory will live on in the IPL, as it should.
Congrat's to Bernard, Jim, Doug and Josie.....
To all, have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Whatever your faith and belief, celebrate safely and we'll see all out and about in 2011.
Tim, AKA "Wolf-Gogi" Meat & Pie

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