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Raising the Qualifying Limit

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8 년 11 월 전 - 8 년 11 월 전 #909 작성자 Mark Barnes


Well I’m
relieved to hear that I’m in error, but I was certainly irritated with your initial
post and felt the need to stand up for both of them.


I have
observed this league and have always had the opinion that there are two driving
influences. One is that the league is a
place where friends can get together toss back a few and enjoy a team
game. Against another group of friends
and in the process we all make new acquaintances. This is great I love it.

there is another current in our league, which I think has its rightful place, it’s
born from the stats that we keep and also especially seen in the playoffs. I love this too… I would say that it’s about
the love of the competition and respect for my opponents. (This is part of
sportsmanship.) I know that I see it in
you and your team. Yes you’re all
friends, and perhaps that’s what makes the victories sweeter. But please don’t try to tell me you are not
competitive. I know you are and I think it’s


I have
known all of Paul’s team and believe they share that same comradery you and
your mates do, they enjoy the competition and honestly the league owes them a
debt of gratitude for offering something all of us can aspire to and finally
one of us beat these tough players, that’s awesome. Greatness is something we should strive for
not tear down.

I was
so happy for you when you finally beat them, not because I wished ill on Paul or
his team but that someone (you) had the resolve and guts to play your best, and
beat them and then go on to win the championship. I think you tarnish that by attacking your
competition and saying they were too tough for this league. You proved that
wrong! I really don’t understand the sentiment
there. Yes season after season they
rarely loose games, but don’t you feel that you’ve accomplished an amazing


league in my opinion is here to foster better relations between Foreigners and
Koreans through friendly and healthy competition and sportsmanship. (and
provide a source of revenue for bars on a slow nights) I do agree the league
should be about the Journey not the destination. But one thing is certain, the league has a
decision it needs to come to grips with.
Are we a competitive league or are we a friendship league, I don’t
believe the two aremutually exclusive.

are a lot of both, and we should celebrate all of it. Perhaps instead looking at talent leveling
strategies (handicaps) might be a better option than attacking someone for having
too good of a team, that you beat.


Last edit: 8 년 11 월 전 by Mark Barnes.

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8 년 11 월 전 #910 작성자 Bernard Condrau
I suggest you participate in the organizational meeting the next time, if this is so important to you. Your proposal was unanimously turned down by the captains present, so get on with it.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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8 년 11 월 전 #911 작성자 Brandon Soliven
. . . this is immenselyentertaining pa-leeeese keep going . . .

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8 년 9 월 전 #918 작성자 Dan Kang
I've never actually cpmmented on here before with this ID, so I don't know if this will even post, but...This thread is both entertaining and depressing to read...Kinda reminds me of the time someone was accused of paying higher ranked and known great players to join so he could stack his team.I for one enjoy playing higher ranked and stacked teams, it makes other higher ranked players or known great players on the opposing team to perform and play that much better.What, who and how players decide what, who and which teams they want to play with is entirely up to the individual and to suggest the league should somehow manipulate the rules to punish those decisions made by the individual or the captains and or teams members skills of influence to recruit members whether they are great players or have a great ass is ludicrous (I actually recruit based on the latter)In the end, I just wanna say this...Shut up and rack!!
Heh :)

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8 년 9 월 전 #919 작성자 Dan Kang
And just for the record..I have been offered payment to join teams as well as solicited to join teams not because of my skills but it is my belief it was purely based on the shape of my great ass as well :)

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8 년 7 월 전 #941 작성자 John Owens
If I ever get that Meucci black dot, I'll know where to go for the tip doing!

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페이지 생성 시간: 0.079 초


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