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Mid-season Captains' Meeting agenda and discussion topics

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il y a 10 ans 3 mois #750 par Lenny Erickson
Ladies and gentlemen,
Once again, the mid-season captains' meeting is fast approaching. It will be held on Sunday, March 30th, the day after the mid-season doubles tournament. It will be held at Shenanigans at 5pm. As always, if a team has a representative at the meeting, and the representative stays for the whole meeting, the team will get one bonus point on the season.

The agenda is pretty simple. As decided at the organizational meeting in January, we well revisit the two newly-approved rules to see if they warrant continuing or altering. Those two rules were:

  • Table run pins

  • Optional shot clock

  • We will also be putting up for vote a few new proposals:

  • Allowing players to change teams during the course of the season.

  • Requiring all doubles games to be scotch doubles

  • Establishing a Rotating Championship trophy, with winning bars keeping the trophy for the following season, and then handing it over to the next champions then next season. (Much like the Stanley Cup trophy in the NHL).

  • If there are any other issues that you feel need to be discussed at the meeting, please start a thread here on the forum to generate discussion. As always, we wish to avoid new proposals being introduced at the captains' meeting.

    I will start a thread for each of the 5 issues above. Please feel free to agree or disagree or come up with counter-proposals for any of them.

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