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Skill ratings

10 Jahre 5 Monate her #738 von Mark Barnes
Skill ratings wurde erstellt von Mark Barnes
to branch off the other thread, I was also thinking perhaps we should consider a Skill rating system in addition to our Awesome Performance rating system which by not means do I consider be taken away.

I think it would be helpful particulary to the league to recognize individuals who are developing there skill. This could open the door to providing more individual acheivments and recognition at the banquet other than watching bull and barrel go up and take the championship trophy again and again. most people leave in a drunken blurr though enjoyed...

you could do this by establishing certain performance based criteria for them to acheive.

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10 Jahre 5 Monate her #739 von Jeff Potter
Jeff Potter antwortete auf Re:Skill ratings
To be fair, the Rising Stars have won two championships in 6 seasons in the league. It's not like they have dominated every season since the beginning. Just wanted to add that.

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10 Jahre 5 Monate her - 10 Jahre 5 Monate her #740 von Mark Barnes
Mark Barnes antwortete auf Re:Skill ratings
point taken jeff, I was being a bit sarcastic. I think it's still a worth while endevor that would give newer players a an Idea of howtheir game isprogressing.
Letzte Änderung: 10 Jahre 5 Monate her von Mark Barnes.

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