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Unsportsmanlike conduct - report

10 Jahre 9 Monate her #731 von Mark Barnes
To the league committee,
I was asked as one of the Host bars of the tournament (bulldog) captains to bring this up to the league committee.

There was an incident at the lower bracket tournament, with what I would agree with the shooter and consider unsportsmanlike conduct from a player that was previously eliminated in the tournament. While I'm sure it was all in good cheer, the impact was imediate and was not well recieved resulting insome static.

Details: The player in question, was most likely drunkenbut hewas leaning over an active shooters table while they were in shooting position. (to me it didlook like deliberate attempts to interfere with the match, but wasn't my call to make) WhomI might add the offending player was already out and wascheering for the shooters opponent. The individualwas asked to stop repeadedly by the Refereeand the Referee allowed a time out (break for the shooter to recompose). afterwards the offending player and associates, who were sitting at the same corner as the shooters intended shooting position resorted to whatappeared to be intentional attempts to verbally distract the shooter.The shooter missed, lost thegameand this resulted in a verbal arguement.though the exchange was rather heated, itresolved peacefully.I'm not sure what can be done about this, since A it's in a Bar, and B people drink there and get rowdy, and by that time it was getting rather crowded in the bar anyway. I expectfrom non pool league folksto interfere by accident or do things that are distracting, however I'm not sure it should be tolerated by league members.

I will bring this up in the Captains meeting for recommendations on how to address it and/or take steps to minimize the likelyhood in the future. But again, I don't expect there is anything the league is able to do to completely prevent or rectify the current situation, other than provide guidance on how to deal with it, (which probably already exists). Perhapsstartingit earlier would help with the crowd control but not completely prevent sharking from other members.


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10 Jahre 9 Monate her #732 von Bernard Condrau
I experienced this before as well. I would suggest that such incidents are reported to the league president, and that such players, in case of repeated incidents, would be banned from the league for a season.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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