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Itaewon Fantasy Pool League

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10 년 9 월 전 #719 작성자 Dominic Johnson
While we were losing our semi-final the other day to Rising Stars we started discussing the possibility of an Itaewon Fantasy Pool League.
We would need to get a few interested guys together and have a bidding process. Some money would go into the pot from each participating member for the potential winner/runner up/third place. You can buy six players, you can only pick 1 player from each team in the league. You have a budget of 10,000 points. So for example if you buy JongMun that would cost you 2022 points of your budget based on his current ranking. If your players win a singles game you earn 7 points, 8 ball runs earn 10 points, losses minus 5 points, doubles wins 3 points, doubles losses minus 2 etc.
It could be a fun way to increase the competitive nature of the pool league and really make you concentrate on other teams results and performances.

Please 로그인 to join the conversation.

모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.039 초


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