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Congrats to Ralph Chiaia

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il y a 10 ans 7 mois - il y a 10 ans 7 mois #707 par Jeff Potter
Before Ralph's game with Kallie from Seoul Pub, as Ralph was preparing to break, Kallie said "Hey Ralph! I hope you have your jump cue." I don't know what prompted this taunt from Kallie, but Ralph laughed it off and broke. After making a ball on the break, Ralph proceeded to run the table before hooking himself on his last ball. I think you all can already guess that Ralph got out his jump cue, made quite a difficult jump shot, and left himself perfect on the 8 ball for a break and run. Congrats Ralph, well done. The moral...[edit]actually I don't know, there must be one...
Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 7 mois par Jeff Potter.

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