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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Proposal (or whatever) #5, or something like that - Banquet alternatives


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Proposal (or whatever) #5, or something like that - Banquet alternatives

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il y a 11 ans 2 mois #557 par Lenny Erickson
Proposal #5

Okay, not really a proposal, but more of a food-for-thought thing. Or rather an is-there-anything-we-can-do thing. I don't know what it is. It's a 'thing'.

As mentioned way too many times for everyone's liking, the banquet costs have skyrocketed. The Hamilton (the cheapest and by far crappiest venue) no longer subjects people to their banquet services.

We have had the last two banquets at the Crown Hotel, a considerable step up. However, as they warned us last season, the prices are going up quite a bit.

Does anyone have alternate ideas or venues for future end-of-season banquets? In my opinion, the banquet is necessary and needs to be of quality. It needs to be something that people look forward to at the end of each season. I would hate to see us having the banquet at a bar somewhere with sandwiches and fried chicken as the food.

So any thoughts on how we can keep the banquet special, but not have to pay an arm and a leg for it?

Lenny Erickson

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il y a 11 ans 2 mois - il y a 11 ans 2 mois #558 par John Owens
This one is simple. Spend less on plastic trophies. Second place is first loser. Take the pain. Channel it towards becoming a better player. Get over it. Drink your way through it. Who cares?

With less money spent on trophies, we could keep the banquet at the Crown (which I think does an awesome job—and I wasn't the one who took it there, by the way), enjoy good food, benefit from the same drinks deal, etc.
One thing to remember: When I looked into alternative venues last year, almost every place I tried said we couldn't bring our own booze. Those few places that would allow us to bring our own booze wanted to charge a corkage fee. We didn't find anywhere that offered as good a deal as the Crown—even in light of the price hikes. (Several places even wanted to charge an extra fee for use of their projector/screen!!)

Of course, there is nothing to stop people looking around for somewhere that offers a better deal, but it should be close to Itaewon and amenable to a mixed bunch of foreigners and Koreans playing loud music, getting rowdy, and trying to smuggle banquet food out of the banquet hall (you know who you are!).
I'm not a team captain, so I don't have a vote, but I vote that we should slash expenditure (80%?) on worthless trophies and stay in the Crown. (Quick thought: Replace trophies with red roses?)

...which brings me to my proposal for the captains' meeting:
Proposal #6 (but actually needs to be Proposal #1):

Allow any league member (that has played on at least three Wednesdays during the season?) to vote at captains' meetings.
While some captains don't bother to show up and fail to send an emissary, other teams are represented by two or three players. I don't think it should be one vote per team. I think it should be one vote per person actually bothered enough to attend a meeting.
NB: Alan/Lenny, I think this should be the first proposal voted on at the meeting. If it passes, it could impact voting for subsequent proposals.

Lenny, should I create a new thread for this proposal? Or do you want to do the honours?
John Owens
Dernière édition: il y a 11 ans 2 mois par John Owens.

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il y a 11 ans 2 mois #559 par Lenny Erickson
John Owens,
Start your own damn thread.
Lenny Erickson

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