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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Discussions for Captains' Meeting April 14th


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Discussions for Captains' Meeting April 14th

11 Jahre 2 Monate her #552 von Lenny Erickson
Okay, folks,

The captains' meeting is coming up next week, and we need to start some discussions here on the forum, to save time at the meeting. Alan and I would like to have finished proposals drawn up prior to the meeting so that we can present them, have brief clarification discussion, and vote on them.

If you have any proposals, please start a separate thread for each proposal. This will make it easier to address each proposal specifically.

I will start a few threads myself, to present some proposals already – shall I say – proposed.

Lets get some discussion going now, so that we can take care of business quickly and efficiently on the 14th.

Lenny Erickson

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