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Players receiving payment

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il y a 11 ans 2 mois #545 par Charlie Brennan
I've heard that some players are being paid by their captain to play for the team.I don't have any evidence of this so I won't mention the name.This would certainly be against the spirit of the league and quite possibly already against the rules, however I want to propose a clause to be voted on at the captain's meeting that will remove all doubt. Teams may not offer money nor any other financial inducements to team members in return for performance. This is an amateur league and team members are forbidden from making any financial gain whatsoever as a result of participating in the league.It may be very difficult to enforce but that doesn't necessarily make it a bad idea to have our principles spelled out in black and white. Chiang Mai

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il y a 11 ans 2 mois #546 par Kyle Hathaway
Réponse de Kyle Hathaway sur le sujet Re:Players receiving payment

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il y a 11 ans 2 mois #547 par John Owens
Réponse de John Owens sur le sujet Re:Players receiving payment
My teams pays me NOT to play...

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il y a 11 ans 2 mois #548 par Emily Yang
Réponse de Emily Yang sur le sujet Re:Players receiving payment
I'm very sorry to hear that, John Owens.

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il y a 11 ans 2 mois #549 par Lenny Erickson
Réponse de Lenny Erickson sur le sujet Re:Players receiving payment
Laughable in what way?

Laughable that someone would actually pay someone to be on their team, even though there is absolutely no possibility for monetary gain if their team wins the championship? It's a plastic trophy, for crying out loud! If a captain wants a trophy that badly, then they should spend that money on buying their own trophy. They could even include their name on the trophy. So, yes, I agree that that is laughable. I actually think that we should not try to stop it, because it is sometimes fun to watch someone completely misspend their money. That, my friend is priceless.

Laughable that the Itaewon Pool League should have to spell out such basic and common-sense principles? I agree that that is laughable, as well. It's an amateur league. Teams should have a little pride. I am proud of the fact that the people on my team actually like and respect one another, and choose to spend time together, and play some pretty decent pool. What could someone possibly take pride in if they have to pay people to play pool with them? In an amateur league? Where there are no cash prizes? Where nobody remembers who won the championship as recently as two seasons ago? Laughable indeed.

Just a moment, I need to wipe the tears of mirth from my eyes.

Laughable that there would be any way to enforce such a proclamation? Oh, absolutely! It would be impossible to enforce. And, as I said above, the first laughability factor kind of makes me hope, if indeed it is happening, that it continues to happen. It makes me laugh. I think it makes everyone laugh.

At least, it should make everyone laugh.

Who gives a rat's ass if some moron is paying an opportunist to play pool in our league? Who cares? It's a plastic trophy. Plastic. It might have some wood, and a brass plate, but it is PLASTIC. Good crap, people. Let's just come out on Wednesday nights and play pool, and enjoy our time with our teams (which hopefully contain our friends) and appreciate the chance to have some pretty good competition with other friendly people.

If you are paying someone to play for your team, stop being an idiot. If you have more money than you can use, give some to me. If you are not paying someone to be on your team, and feel that you are being cheated by someone who is paying someone to be on their team, let it go. Life is way too short and way to valuable to worry about being cheated out of a PLASTIC TROPHY.

By the way, John Owens, how did you get that gig? I have been playing like crap for more than 10 seasons, hoping someone would pay me not to play. Nothing. Once again, John Owens, you are my hero.

Lenny Erickson

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il y a 11 ans 2 mois #550 par Jeff Potter
Réponse de Jeff Potter sur le sujet Re:Players receiving payment
Lenny,That is quite possibly the best post I have ever seen on the IPL website. 100% agreed.It is also very humorous when one of those teams (with players being paid) gets their ass handed to them by a team who is there for fun (like Bless U). That's worth the illegality of the whole thing IMHO.
On a side note, can some of you post some more controversial topics in here so I can read some more "Lenny-isms"? Thanks a bunch.

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