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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • 17 NOV Yongsan Friendship 8 Ball tournament


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17 NOV Yongsan Friendship 8 Ball tournament

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11 년 11 월 전 #479 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
17 NOV Yongsan Friendship 8 Ball tournament

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11 년 11 월 전 #485 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
Call and now to sign up 723-7564 from off post 0505-723-7564
You have to call and sign up in advance in order for them to prepare for this event

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11 년 10 월 전 #492 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
HELLO!!! Reminder!!!!!

Don’t forget the pool tournament is tomorrow at the renovated Commisky's Community Activity Center (CCAC) on Yongsan.

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11 년 10 월 전 #493 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
Sign up will be continued up to 1400 (2 PM) to allow all who are involved in the Retirement Appreciation Events to participate in the tournament.
I recommend players come early and get some games in on the newly renovated tables!!!

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11 년 10 월 전 #494 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
Thank you very much John O'Conner and Tim Higgs for putting on a very enjoyable tournament this past Saturday.
Feedback from all players was positive. We look forward to seeing more tournaments and greater player turnout in the future.
Photos are posted on the Yongsan Pool League Face book page link below. www.facebook.com/pages/Yongsan-Pool-League/174306319287577

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.051 초


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