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본 사이트 사용을 위해 자바스크립트를 허용해야 합니다

Make the Bad Man go away!

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12 년 3 주 전 - 12 년 3 주 전 #415 작성자 Brandon Soliven
I love the little window with the slowly fading pictures of our members in their various league endeavors up in the top corner of our site home page. It's an excellent glimpse into what the IPL looks like in living color.

Well, I love all of it except for one picture. The one with the Brady Bunch style 4 square portraiture. Three of them are fine photos of our esteemed League Officials. But one of them, "the one that does not belong", the Jan Brady of the bunch, is the one tagged "Lenny". I don't know it's something about his suggestive stare into infinity as he backs away, it just give me the willies. No matter where I move in relation to my computer screen it's like he's looking right thru me. For the love of God, please make it stop! Can this be fixed? Maybe a photo of that ambiguously gay baby from the Family Guy? Or a shot of a shoe or a rickety bar stool from Nashville? Or what about that Starfish from Sponge Bob Square Pants? Justin Bieber even!!! Anything but that creepy photo.


paparazzi (roughly translated as "to make spaghetti" in one region of Italy)
Last edit: 12 년 3 주 전 by Brandon Soliven.

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12 년 3 주 전 #416 작성자 Bernard Condrau
Paparazzi is an Italian term used to refer to photojournalists who specialize in candid photography of athletes , celebrities , politicians , and other prominent people. Paparazzi tend to be independent contractors , unaffiliated with any mainstream media organization. Paparazzi photographers are often described as an unacceptable annoyance by celebrities. They probably also can make spaghetti.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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12 년 3 주 전 #417 작성자 Lenny Erickson
Brandon, what you have incorrectly identified as “the willies” is unmistakably a combination of envy and compelling attraction. Trust me, I have grown all too familiar with this happening to people around me. Usually, it manifests itself in the female population, but some men with a more feminine nature at times feel it too. I try to be gentle in rebuffing these misguided feelings from the males, since I don’t swing that way.

See, the problem is my raw magnetism and charisma. It’s clear that you can’t take your eyes off of my picture, and that is totally understandable. I think your true complaint is that the image fades away so quickly, limiting the time that you have to gaze upon my countenance.

I’m sorry to have created such conflicting feelings inside of you. Don’t blame yourself. No one can resist a blue-eyed handsome man.

Lenny Erickson

By the way, are you going to get out there and make some spaghetti for the banquet or not?

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12 년 3 주 전 #418 작성자 Brandon Soliven
Wow it must be nice,

Looking at the world with goggles made of roses and sugar plums. Where unicorns and kittens frolic in fields of lollipops.
Where insults and potshots are perceived as fawning adulation. So yes I do have envy, envy of the bliss that bubble you walk around in provides. Believe me those were "the willies" 'cause I almost up-chucked the kimchi burrito I had earlier.

Sorry but my team is still in the heat of battle so maybe I can ask Jack Coke Gina to take my camera and make her own brand
of spaghetti. See if she'll bite.

paparazzi (loosely translated as "one who spaghettifies")

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12 년 2 주 전 #419 작성자 Lenny Erickson
"Wow it must be nice,

Looking at the world with goggles made of roses and sugar plums. Where unicorns and kittens frolic in fields of lollipops."
I told you, I don't swing that way.
Lenny Erickson

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11 년 9 월 전 #454 작성자 Mark Barnes
It's true it does follow you...

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.034 초


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