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Dewey Pool Tournament

12 Jahre 5 Monate her #376 von Ralph-Michael Chiaia
If people are interested, let's do a Saturday or Sunday pool tournament where the winners donate all winnings to Dewey Song for his mounting medical bills.I would like to host it at RAndy's Bar. I have a great system for putting the brackets up on the TV screen so you can follow the action. I was thinking 20,000 per person. Like most tournaments, all the money will go to Dewey.I suggest next Sunday, if possible (Johnny, can you bring your Bulldogs my way for a week?). Other days can be arranged.

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12 Jahre 4 Monate her #377 von Ralph-Michael Chiaia
The Tournament will be at RAndy's Bar at 7:30 p.m. Saturday 5 May 2012The tournament will be double elimination, paying for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.Please sign up by 7:00 p.m. or text Ralph by then if you're running late. We will put the bracket up on the television.Nobber created a raffle to go with the tournament to stir up some side betting and some interest in other players. All in all, this should be a very fun tournament. We are going to ask that you pay 20,000 to enter and give at least half the money to the charity (Dewey Song's Medical Bills). If you don't know who Dewey is, check the All Time Top 100 under Statistics to see what he has accomplished. If it wasn't for him, we may not have this league.Also, if you're coming, please RSVP by writing "I'm in" at facebook.com/randysimun so we can get an idea of how many to expect. MORE INFO, including map/directions

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