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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • What about?


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What about?

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12 년 1 월 전 #375 작성자 Arnaud Ogier
What about? was created by Arnaud Ogier
  • Real time update score on the website the Wednesday night
  • 9 Ball League
  • 9 ball tournament
  • Interaction with Korean Pool League
  • Organizing match between IPL teams and Korean teams (mixing 8 balls and nine balls)
  • Use money league if any to improve pool tables in some bars (at least felt) or if bars wants to be in the league they should be able to re-felt every year...
Add comments and more ideas and please no answer like we already talk about that 10 years ago... things are evolving...And also forbid players above 2000 without their own cues

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.026 초


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