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Week 14 "Feature" match-ups

12 Jahre 2 Monate her - 12 Jahre 2 Monate her #366 von Andy Luv
Stevie hasn't lost a singles game this season. Has anyone ever gone an entire season without losing a singles game? Let's just hope he doesn't run into Emily. =D
Letzte Änderung: 12 Jahre 2 Monate her von Andy Luv.

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12 Jahre 2 Monate her #367 von Lenny Erickson
Kyle, If one of your 'observations' is that Stevie was lucky last night, then you weren't paying attention.
Lenny Erickson

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12 Jahre 2 Monate her #368 von Kyle Hathaway
Don't get me wrong.. I have lots of respect for Stevie... He was lucky to be paired up against me(rather than someone that got 8 Ball runs) and that I choked.. LOL...This is a fun league.. My comments are made with that in mind.. no offense intended whatsoever..
Lets have fun and enjoy...

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12 Jahre 2 Monate her - 12 Jahre 2 Monate her #369 von Ralph-Michael Chiaia
Stevie is awesome. Everybody knew that. Everybody knows that. He can fell an ox with a single raised eyebrow. He can impregnate a bull, err, a cow with an 8-ball run. He's great at everything. He will even beat Emily when the day comes, even if he does look directly into the sun--as all her victims have fallen prey.
The only thing he can't do is sing.
Letzte Änderung: 12 Jahre 2 Monate her von Ralph-Michael Chiaia.

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12 Jahre 2 Monate her #370 von Ralph-Michael Chiaia
Ralph-Michael Chiaia antwortete auf FYI
Also, for the record, Andy Luv hasn't lost a single singles match this season either.

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12 Jahre 2 Monate her - 12 Jahre 2 Monate her #373 von Jeff Potter
Kyle,I would have predicted exactly the same if I were there. However, if both Jamie Wilson and I were both there, I might have predicted differently.Side note - congrats iTeam. I predicted you guys to get blown out. My bad. You guys are obviously better than I thought. I was only off by one game on the other two matches though.Second side note - Stevie is not lucky. All of us that know and play with him know that he is the best player (maybe second only to Bhoy - but who has the best record? More 8 ball runs?) in the league.

[Kyle Hathaway 2012-04-19, 09:21:56]:
Hello Jeff,
Thanks for making some predictions.. pretty close actually...
I just have some observations to share:
I wonder if you would have predicted the same if you were playing with Boomtown last night.
Did you know that Emily Yang runs out almost weekly now?
I-team cant be underestimated...
There are no remaining undefeated team this season.
Steve (an outstanding respected player) is verylucky at least last night(;

Letzte Änderung: 12 Jahre 2 Monate her von Jeff Potter.

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