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For the Captains Meeting: Lag for the Break

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il y a 12 ans 3 mois - il y a 12 ans 3 mois #305 par Ralph-Michael Chiaia
Lag for the Break Proposal
I am advocating the Lag for the Break for the IPL. I think it will slow the night down about 3 minutes total for the night and will add another skill shot and something people can celebrate and enjoy. This idea was voted down in the last captain's meeting and I think it's because people don't really know how it will work not because it is a bad idea. It is used successfully in the Songtan Pool League as well as many leagues around the world.
How the Lag Works:
Both players grab a ball and place it by the head rail. They shoot it down table simultaneously and back to where they started the shot. The player with the ball that ends up closer to the head rail gets the choice of break. The lag-winning player can then rack his own balls (ideally using the Magic Rack) and start the game with a break. It's really not too complicated and there's nothing unfair about it. This will eliminate breaking a sucky rack also. Last night I saw a team not even try to rack the balls well because they were in foul moods.
The Benefit
Lagging is a skill and kind of fun to do. It allows you to exert a degree of control on the outcome rather having it come down to random luck. It will also allow players to rack their own balls. I know that you can request a new rack but at least 50% of the league doesn't give a good rack and there's nothing like a good rack.Thanks for reconsidering this idea and please reply with your thoughts and/or support.
Dernière édition: il y a 12 ans 3 mois par Ralph-Michael Chiaia.

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il y a 12 ans 3 mois #309 par Charlie Brennan
i don't understand the benefit.If somebody does a bad rack you can request a new one.You say it's fair but it gives an extra advantage to better players, which they don't need.For those reasons I'll probably vote against but I will wait until the meeting and keep an open mind. You'll need to show me the benefit.Chaz

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il y a 12 ans 3 mois #315 par Arnaud Ogier
Once again totally agree with Ralph,it's really a basic skill and you don't need to be good (I won many times the lag)...And as a pool amateur I am better to push a ball than to guess between head or tails.

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