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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Don't touch another man's balls (in most cases)


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Don't touch another man's balls (in most cases)

12 Jahre 3 Monate her - 12 Jahre 3 Monate her #304 von Ralph-Michael Chiaia
I would like to remind players who are neither playing the game at that moment nor refereeing the game at the moment not to touch the ball no matter what happens in the game. Last night a player thought he perceived a phantom foul and started touching the table and then the balls. I was on the 8-ball and had to wait for a whole song and dance, including my opponents balls being moved, before shooting in the final shot. A little annoying since the guy was not playing, not refereeing, and not the captain of either team. Since i'm getting online to propose some ideas for the captains meeting i thought i would post this too. That's my 2 cents. Get off my balls, bro!
Letzte Änderung: 12 Jahre 3 Monate her von Ralph-Michael Chiaia.

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