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Results of Sunday`s (March 4th) two tournaments: Bull Dogs & Scrooge Pub

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12 년 3 월 전 #302 작성자 Johnny Magyaros
Great turnout this past Sunday March 4th. Two tournament mere played; the fiirst one at Bull Dogs and the second one at Scrooge Pub. The results of the two tournaments are as follows:
1). Bull Dogs Tournament (20) Players:
1st Place: Bhoy
2nd Place: Atom
3rd Place: O.K.Jin
4th Place: Jong Mun
2), Scrooge Pub Tournament was Hugh (31) Players:
1st Place: Bhoy
2nd Place: Brian
3rd Place: Julia
4th Place: Jae Suk
Remember we havea tournament every Sunday at Bull Dogs. Also,watch the web site as Scrooge Pub will have another tounament soon; the date & time of which will be posted on the web site.

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.028 초


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