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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • ALTERNATING BREAKS.


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12 Jahre 6 Monate her #274 von Johnny Magyaros
Alternating Breaks is a bad idea and takes away something from the game. Thegame is meant to give each player the right to gamble on whether or nothe or shecan win the toss. Don`t take away rules taht make the game what it is. We are a fun league. Let`s not get technical with changes thatlessens the fun of thegame. If we go that rout, why not just let the ref. simply toss the balls on the table and start play from their.Get serious!!

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12 Jahre 6 Monate her #277 von Jeff Potter
Of course you are entitled to your opinion, as am I. I understand your point that every player wants their chance to break.
However, your analogy of the ref tossing the balls on the table is ridiculous. Alternating breaks is a method used by almost every tournament and professional league in the world. Additionally, to keep rules just because that is the way the league started is simpleminded. "Improvement is simply the application of the right ideas..."

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12 Jahre 6 Monate her #278 von Arnaud Ogier
Johnny:If the game was to be able to gamble on a toss, I would stay home!I don't see any fun of gambling on a toss, we can be a fun league with fair rules, I don't see any correlations between having fair rules and funny league. It's not because you are doing nonsense that it's fun.I used to play chess in a team and players has to choose who will play with black or white and it was still fun, as we are already using thechessELO system for the ranking, maybe we could also think about alternate breaks.

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12 Jahre 3 Monate her #306 von Ralph-Michael Chiaia
I think we should lag for the break . See my post to consider in the next captain's meeting.

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12 Jahre 3 Monate her #336 von Ryan Smith
I can see why you want to have alternating breaks but I can see players complaining to their captains about being put in the no break spot on the night list or the breaking spot on the list. It would suck a little bit more to be a captain if alternating breaks were done.

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12 Jahre 3 Monate her #339 von Greg Antrim
Alternating breaks are used by many major tournaments and even some leagues around the world. Jeff is absolutely correct there. However, what he failed to mention and what is paramount in this league. Is alternate breaking is ONLY used when you are playing a race against someone. I.e. first to 7 or best of 10. Nobody would ever use alternate breaks on a single game and then punish the next game. That' a bit ridiculous. I'd refuse to play in the non-break games. Most every league and pro tournament give players an option. You can lag, or you can flip. Just as long as both PLAYERS agree on it, not the team.
Just my 2 cents
Greg Antrim

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