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12 Jahre 6 Monate her - 12 Jahre 6 Monate her #262 von John Owens
John Owens antwortete auf Re:Predictions
Look on my words, ye Mighty, and despair!4 for 4 in the quarter finals.Have I called the semis right, too??
Next thing you know, Jeff Potter will probably come on here insinuating I have come back and edited my predictions!

Letzte Änderung: 12 Jahre 6 Monate her von John Owens.

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12 Jahre 6 Monate her #264 von Jeff Potter
Jeff Potter antwortete auf Re:Predictions
I didn't know that you could go back and edit posts...not saying that you DID John. Just a comment...I failed miserably as both of my teams that I predicted to be in the finals lost last night, and my team lost as well. Which was all my fault by the way - 1mm, just 1 more mm.

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12 Jahre 6 Monate her #265 von Arnaud Ogier
Arnaud Ogier antwortete auf Re:Predictions
Jeff, meter is only one m not two (mm) .

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12 Jahre 6 Monate her - 12 Jahre 6 Monate her #266 von Jeff Potter
Jeff Potter antwortete auf Re:Predictions
Oh thanks Arno. I have never been good with spellingB)
Good luck to the remaining teams in the playoffs. Especially the Boomtown Rats! Avenge us!
Letzte Änderung: 12 Jahre 6 Monate her von Jeff Potter.

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12 Jahre 6 Monate her - 12 Jahre 6 Monate her #267 von John Owens
John Owens antwortete auf Re:Predictions
Jeff, I had a feeling you were going to insinuate I'd somehow edited my predictions ex post facto. Fortunately, I made a point of saying so even before you began to fling the muck! If you'd read my posts carefully you would have seen that... :wink:
Next thing you know, Kyle will be saying "Touché"...
Letzte Änderung: 12 Jahre 6 Monate her von John Owens.

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12 Jahre 6 Monate her #268 von Kyle Hathaway
Kyle Hathaway antwortete auf Re:Predictions

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