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Bulldog to host weekly Individual Pool Tournaments

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12 년 10 월 전 #179 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
17 players on sunday....
8 Ball
1st Bhoy 150,000 Won
2nd Chris 80,000 Won (Welcome Back)
3rd Tex 40,000 Won
Bulldog E Style !!!!!

9 Ball
1st Seong Hyun 140,000 Won
2nd TEX 70,000 Won
3rd Bata 30,000 Won

See you all again next sunday!!!!

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12 년 10 월 전 #187 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
I will host the weekly tournament this sunday at Bulldog (;

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12 년 10 월 전 #193 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
This weeks results:

1ST Bhoy 100,000
2nd Rio 60,000
3rd Dan 30,000
There was also a 9 Ball tourney.

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12 년 8 월 전 - 12 년 8 월 전 #205 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
1st place Bhoy 100000 Won
2nd placeKim, SH60000 Won
3rd place Emily 30000 Won
4th place Astro Girl 10000 Won

Table has new felt and is great!!!!

Sorry for the mistake.. Better luck next week Brian ( ;
Last edit: 12 년 8 월 전 by Kyle Hathaway.

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12 년 8 월 전 #206 작성자 Emily Yang
It was Seong Hyon Kim who made it to the 2nd place.

[Kyle Hathaway 2011-10-09, 22:06:54]:

1st place Bhoy 100000 Won
2nd place Brian 60000 Won
3rd place Emily 30000 Won
4th place Astro Girl 10000 Won

Table has new felt and is great!!!!

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12 년 8 월 전 #207 작성자 Kyle Hathaway
oops.. your right.. sorry for the mistake..

BTW.. You shot very well!!! Congrats on third!!

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.056 초


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