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8 Jahre 1 Woche her #1037 von Mark Barnes
Mark Barnes antwortete auf Re:Re:DER SHARP
Recommend asking a simple show of handsat the banquet,of the "90%" if they think more tournaments is better than less tournaments?
Do this and I will vote for Re-naming the league(ready for it): Lenny Erickson Social Billiards Organizational Society
The acronym might need some work. :/

[Lenny Erickson 2016-06-15, 11:19:45]:
No, Josh, clearly you don't understand what I am saying. I think the biggest threat to the league is pandering to the top 10% and forgetting that the vast majority just want to play and drink and socialize.
Lenny Erickson

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8 Jahre 1 Woche her #1038 von Lenny Erickson
Lenny Erickson antwortete auf Re:DER SHARP
Oh, Josh. I never claimed to understand what you are saying.
Lenny Erickson

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8 Jahre 1 Woche her #1039 von Lenny Erickson
Lenny Erickson antwortete auf Re:DER SHARP
Mark, I never said I was against bar-sponsored tournaments. I said we don't need a parallel league.
Lenny Erickson

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8 Jahre 1 Woche her #1041 von Mark Barnes
Mark Barnes antwortete auf Re:Re:DER SHARP
ok, I'm just going to stick to my own thread.... but I'm still going to be angling for the name change.

[Lenny Erickson 2016-06-15, 13:46:54]:
Mark, I never said I was against bar-sponsored tournaments. I said we don't need a parallel league.
Lenny Erickson

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8 Jahre 1 Woche her #1046 von Brandon Soliven
Brandon Soliven antwortete auf Re:DER SHARP
Hey Lenny, isn't Lesbos French for "victim of troll job"?

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8 Jahre 1 Woche her #1052 von Joshua Suarez
Joshua Suarez antwortete auf Re:DER SHARP
Well then that's a start Lenny, more tournamentsand perhaps individual playas long as they're rated. I think perhaps "parallel league" isn't really the best representation of the idea, you're right Lenny. Perhaps a sort of "parallel rating system" (Mark was mentioning a sort ofladder systemmaybe?)based on individualplay, not team play... something along those lines. I think some would be happy with just having a rated-tournament every weekendtheycould choose tojoin... if we can get bars to sponsor these throughout the season and make a set schedule forthis, that would be a push in the right direction. You're always good in Tournaments Lenny, you definitely would enjoy them I'm sure. Just needs a bit of organization and allignment with the Itaewon establishments... Depending on the bar, there could be a buy-in (Say 10,000 and winnings could be split between first, second and third places...), Since a 20 or 30 person tournament would be impossible for one bar to sponsor (considering the time it would take on one table...) there could be a cap on how many players join any particular tournament (A sort of sign up sheet - first come first play)... or also multiple tournaments played in different bars on the same night... anyways, many ideas there...

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