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Rating Formula

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10 년 2 월 전 #815 작성자 Paul Riddle
Replied by Paul Riddle on topic Re:Rating Formula
Also Arnaud,Perhaps we could incorporate the extra points for a special game into this separate 'clean sleight' tracking of points each season. In fact, I think it's a great idea. It could be an experimental ground for trying other tweaks to the ratings as well just to see if we like them and or if they will work out (e.g. not taking many points away from a player who lost to a break and run).In fact, Lenny consider this a proposal forour next meeting please.

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10 년 2 월 전 - 10 년 2 월 전 #816 작성자 Bernard Condrau
Replied by Bernard Condrau on topic Re:Rating Formula
Replacing the current rating system with one where each player is reset to 1600 every season is small effort, adding this to the current rating system is big effort. I will check before the next captains meeting whether it's even feasible.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
Last edit: 10 년 2 월 전 by Bernard Condrau.

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10 년 2 월 전 #817 작성자 Paul Riddle
Replied by Paul Riddle on topic Re:Rating Formula
Thank you very much Bernard.

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10 년 2 월 전 #818 작성자 Arnaud Ogier
Replied by Arnaud Ogier on topic Re:Rating Formula
Great! let's do that and add some points when break and run.

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10 년 2 월 전 #819 작성자 Jim Dewey
Replied by Jim Dewey on topic Re:Rating Formula
Beyond the issue of consistency in ratings over a period of time, making additions to the rating system changes the substance of the rating. Using a set amount of points for specific features of a game between 2 players is inconsistent with the premise of the rating system now in use. The current rating system is based solely on probability of one player winning over another player given the numerical rating at the time of the game. With every tweak of the rating system it becomes a new system that may become more or less appropriate for the league. The rating system was originally introduced as a simple tool for a player to look at their own progress or lack thereof.

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.051 초


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