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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Proposal for Dues Structure Modifications


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Proposal for Dues Structure Modifications

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11 년 2 일 전 #677 작성자 Mark Barnes
If all the players in the league (392) showed up would we be able to pay for the banquet?

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11 년 2 일 전 #678 작성자 Ronan Spillane

Mark, as far as I know we pay for 120 people at the banquet. The Crown doesn't charge extra if more than 120 people show up. Nor do they provide extra food.
So if 392 people showed up, there would be an almighty scramble for food but the cost wouldn't be any higher.
I'm not sure how long this arrangement will last though. Does anyone know if the next banquet is booked under the same terms?

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11 년 5 시 전 #681 작성자 Mark Barnes
that's not how I understoodwhat Jeff toldme. I'll talk to him again about it.

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.052 초


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