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Qualifying Matches

11 Jahre 1 Woche her #647 von Bernard Condrau
How many people do we normally have at the banquet? Around 150 maybe, give or take a few, including 20-30 paying guests.
I'm sure the executive committee welcomes any proposals for alternative venues for 100+ people. Or are you suggesting to downsize the banquet so we can fit into one of our bars?

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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11 Jahre 1 Woche her - 11 Jahre 1 Woche her #651 von Mark Barnes
No, I'm just curious if we are booking a 300 person venue, when a 150 person venue will do. more so if we are paying for the 300 person price vs the 150 person price.
Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 1 Woche her von Mark Barnes.

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11 Jahre 1 Woche her #652 von Mark Barnes
sorry charlie I totally stole your thread. lol

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11 Jahre 1 Woche her #654 von Bernard Condrau
Well Mark, your input is appreciated, but in this case misleading.
We moved to Crown a few years ago because Hamilton closed their banquet hall. The venue was always booked for 120 people and Crown allowed us to bring in more than the 120 without additional payment. Even if they will not continue to do so, I'm sure our executive committee will not book a venue for 300 people if we know that usually 150 will show up.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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11 Jahre 1 Woche her - 11 Jahre 1 Woche her #657 von Mark Barnes
Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 1 Woche her von Mark Barnes. Grund: Delete

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11 Jahre 1 Woche her - 11 Jahre 1 Woche her #658 von Mark Barnes
Then perhaps the only solution is a better dues strategy
Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 1 Woche her von Mark Barnes.

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