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Qualifying Matches

11 Jahre 3 Monate her #661 von John Owens
Mark, all I seem to do is object to your ideas. I apologize. It's nothing personal!
In principle, I'm definitely not opposed to a venue change. However, I'm sceptical that a better venue can be found close to Itaewon. When I was president in 2012, I looked into moving the banquet to another location because the Crown informed us that it would be hiking its prices. Not only was it challenging to find anywhere of similar quality at a better price, but most places refused to allow us to bring our own beer/booze, or wanted to charge us corkage. Some places even wanted to charge a separate fee for the use of their projector and microphone! Also, the Crown currently allows us to pay a flat rate for 120 people. If more people show up, we don't pay any extra and the Crown doesn't provide an additional food. Nowhere I tried was willing to make that arrangement with us.

While the room in the Crown Hotel is on the large side, I think it's suitable for two reasons. First, we usually get around 150 attendees, but their is the potential for double that number to show up. (I don't know what would prompt that; I'm just acknowledging the possibility.) What I'm saying is that we have the necessary capacity if we suddenly experienced a massive turnout. Second, the area with the buffet is essentially round a corner—meaning that the area where people currently sit is pretty well self-contained. Indeed, I'd say it was just about right for 150 guests.
Having said all that, I believe the Crown is still planning to hike prices, so I'd be really interested to know if anybody has any ideas of where else we could hold the banquet. (I know the darts league holds its banquet in a bar, but I think doing so for the pool league is a terrible idea. It would open a can of worms.)

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11 Jahre 3 Monate her #663 von Uncle Johan Stenstroem
Dear All. If it is worth it, we do have one more big Hotel in Itaewon almost acroos from RMT, slightly further down from it (IP Hotel) Use to be Holiday In Hotel. They have a banquett Hall on the second floor and I actaully know the F&B Manager there. If you guys want, I could give a clout and get some figures from the numbers previously mentioned by John and present it on Cpt meetingOther options, I believe we had one venue out-door in 2006 if remember that correctly, why not look outside of the box. ( I know weather etc however, expand the search for venue might help instead of just trying to do same o samo.Just a thought boys and girlsCiao

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11 Jahre 3 Monate her #665 von Mark Barnes
Excellent Idea Johan......
I think we need to consider something, I don't thinkthe current direction is sustainable.

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