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Path:HomeLeague • Announcements


본 사이트 사용을 위해 자바스크립트를 허용해야 합니다

Meeting started 25 September 2011, 6pm, at Dolce Vita

1. Participation
The following teams were represented at the captains meeting and receive a bonus point which counts towards the end of the season score:

3 Alley Pub Wild Hogs’

Bless-U Boomtown Rats

Bulldog Wonky Triangles

Dolce Vita Pink Panthers

Dolce Vita Sweet Life

Friend’s The Pain

JR Pub Libidos

Scrooge Pub Meat 'N Pie

Seoul Pub FUTA

Seoul Pub Shava

The Loft Sticks

Woodstock Woodstockers

Zion Exodus


2. Orange Tree - team dropped out of the league

All captains approved the ruling for the opponent teams which have a bye during the season. The ruling is:

1. Matches played remain recorded.

2. Opponent teams get the average game wins of all other matches played during the season. At the end of the season, each opponent teams' other 19 matches average game win score will determine the final score.

3. Should the average game win score be below 8, then the opponent team gets 8 game wins assigned.

4. All opponent teams will get one point for the match win.

3. Goliath Winner award

Based on the proposal from Peter Roxburgh, the league officials proposed to award a Goliath Winner Award at the end of the season, for the male and female player, and for the team, who win against an opponent with the greatest rating difference. Current ranking can be viewed on the website, menu Statistics / Goliath Winners.

3. Banquet

Doug informed the league, that Hamilton Hotel cancelled our reservation for the year end banquet which was done in January 2011. We were able to find an alternative location, but due to unavailability, had to move the event to Friday evening of the same weekend.

Our end of season Banquet will now take place at Hotel Crown, Itaewon, Friday, December 16, at 7pm. The location is not far from the entrance to Itaewon / Noksapyeong subway station (map). We will have the banquet in the wedding hall, which is on the 2nd floor (main entrance, on the right hand side of the lobby).

4. Other issues

1. Score sheets must be filled out and dropped at Dolce Vita, even if all the captains entered the scores on the website. Captains are encouraged to enter the scores themselves to reduce the effort for the league officials.

2. Score sheets must contain the full names of new or migrated players in the top left section of the sheet. We currently have 42 unknowns registered throughout the 11 match weeks already played. Unfortunately, none of these teams were present at the captains meeting. It was suggested that captains check with the other team before every match, whether new or migrated players were added to the opponent team, so they could enter the names on both score sheets.

3. After the scores were entered on the website by one of the captains, the captain of the other team should check the scores entered and complete unknown player names from the team.

4. It was asked from the league how donations are decided. Donations are decided by the league officials, but we welcome any suggestion from all team members!

5. It was suggested to have an August break as some teams have difficulties fielding a team during that period of the year. It was briefly discussed among the captains present, where it appeared that a majority would prefer to keep the season structure without a break and suggested to expand the team roster or reschedule the matches. However, such a decision for next August cannot be concluded now and should be brought up again at the organizational meeting before start of the season Summer / Fall 2012.

6. It was suggested to replace the team member medals for the playoff winners with small individual trophies. Doug will look into this, as trophies might have substantial impact on the overall cost.

Meeting closed at 6.45pm.


Date: October 1, 2011, 4pm

Locations: Bless-U, Dolce Vita

Mode: Blind draw Doubles tournament in 1 bracket. Doubles pairings for all registered players will be randomly drawn after registration. All games will be played as Scotch Doubles.


Time: October 1, 3pm - 3.45pm, Dolce Vita (game play starts 4pm)

Fee: 10,000 Won per player

Requirements: participating players need to have played on 3 different match days in the current season. Check whether you fulfill this requirement by clicking menu Statistics, then Qualifiers, then select option Mid Season Qualifiers and scroll down to find your team. Registration is by individual player, not by team.


Trophies for 1st to 3rd ranked teams will be awarded at the end of season banquet.

The following price money will be awarded to the winning doubles teams on the day of play:

1st: 400k (200k for each player), 2nd: 200k, 3rd: 100k, 4th: 60k, 5th-8th: 30k

A captains meeting will be held Sunday, September 25, 2011, 6pm, at Dolce Vita.

Input from and information to the captains will be required. Teams participating at the meeting will earn a bonus point counting towards the season final team ranking (Signing in to the meeting without participating does not qualify for the bonus point).


Date: September 17, 2011, 4pm

Locations: Hollywood, Bulldog, Seoul Pub, Nashville

Mode: Singles tournament in 2 brackets based on player rating on the day of the tournament. All registered players will be separated into a lower and a higher ratings bracket, with equal number of players per bracket.


Time: September 17, 3pm - 3.45pm, Hollywood (game play starts 4pm)

Fee: 10,000 Won per player

Requirements: participating players need to have played on 3 different match days in the current season. Check whether you fulfill this requirement by clicking menu Statistics, then Qualifiers, then select option Mid Season Qualifiers and scroll down to find your team.


Trophies for 1st to 3rd ranked players in each bracket will be awarded at the end of season banquet.

The following price money will be awarded to the winners in each bracket on the day of play:

1st: 400k (400,000 Won), 2nd: 200k, 3rd: 100k, 4th: 60k, 5th-8th: 30k


우리는 쿠키를 사용하여 학대를 막기 위해 사이트 경험과 보안 문자를 향상시킵니다. 우리는 추적 또는 사용자 식별을 위해 쿠키를 사용하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 개인 정보 보호 정책을 읽으십시오.