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Path:HomeLeague • Announcements


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This Wednesday will be the last week of the regular season. Please enter scores immediately after the match and drop your scores sheets off at Shenanigans so the playoff schedule can be posted as quickly as possible. If you have any other score sheets from this season please hand them in at Shenanigans too.

The playoffs will begin this Sunday, November 24, at 4pm. Please ensure that the bars you play out of are aware of this and open by 3:30pm at the latest to allow the visiting team their 30 minute warm up time.

If you need to find an alternative venue or play at a different time, please contact the opposing captain as soon as possible and work together to find a viable solution.

This season the playoffs will take a different format for the Championship. The top four teams from each division will advance. The 1st placed team will play 4th and 2nd will play 3rd from their respective division.  After Wednesday's matches, each division will be seeded according to regular season rankings. This will determine the semifinal line up with the winner from the top seeded division playing the team from the 4th seeded division and the team from the 2nd seeded division playing the team emerging from the 3rd seeded division.

The Best of the Rest tournament will remain the same as in previous seasons.

Players MUST have played FIVE matches to qualify for the playoffs. To check whether a player has qualified for the playoffs, go to the website and go to STATISTICS>QUALIFIERS.

Any team fielding an ineligible player will be disqualified from the playoffs.

  • The league will vote for a new executive committee at the banquet on 6 Dec 2013.
  • Candidates must stand as a team (President, VP, Treasurer, and Secretary).
  • If only one team stands, league members will still be asked to vote.
  • If more than one team stands, we will have a brief period of hustings before the vote.


The current executive committee will not be continuing, largely because I'm leaving Korea in December, so the league will need new officers for 2014.


Please notify Alan Green (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.) any time before the election — including on the evening of the banquet — if you wish to stand.

With the end of the season looming and the end of this excutive committee's term, we are looking for proposals for a charity to which the proceeds of the 50/50 raffle draws from the last banquet and this one will be donated to.


My proposal is to donate to a charity supporting the victims and recovery efforts in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan.


If you have another suggestion for a charity the league could help, please contact a member of the executive committee or post on Off The Break. We are open to all sensible ideas but will not consider proposals to support personal holiday funds.


Voting for the Bob Denny Sportsmanship Award will start from tonight and continue until December 4, the final match date for the Championship and Best of the Rest brackets.


Please take a moment to vote for this award as traditionally numbers are very low. A log in is required to vote, which can be provided by contacting your captain or a member of the executive committee.

Captains or representatives from 14 teams attended the mid-season captains meeting. Those captains that did not attend the meeting should read these minutes to see what they missed, especially the part on time-outs, as two significant rule changes were voted on.




This year’s banquet will be on Friday, December 6 at the Crown Hotel at 7pm. This is due to a prior booking on December 13, the date we ideally wanted.




By a vote of 13-0, tournaments will continue to be double elimination. Following discussion, a vote was 11-2 in favour of ranking points counting in double elimination tournaments.



Score sheets

Captains are reminded to ensure that new or migrating players are entered on the website and the names of new players on a team be clearly marked on the score sheet. Unknown players are always a major headache for the executive committee, one that can be easily relieved by captains taking a couple of minutes to check that their matches are entered correctly.


A comment option when editing matches will be added presently to try and help captains clear up any confusion concerning unknown or new/migrated players.


The rules concerning score sheets will also be reworded to:


1.3.2. After Match Play is completed it is the Team Captain's responsibility to enter the match scores into the database. The opposing team’s captain should double check the entered scores and modify any new or migrated players in his team. After the match scores are submitted, the score sheets must be handed in. This can be the next day, or the day after, but no later than within a week.


1.3.3. The President of the League will be responsible to set up a location for score sheets to be dropped off at and collect the score sheets from this location.



New Secretary

Emily Yang has had to step down as secretary. Many thanks for all her hard work for the league this year.  Thanks also to Jumie Ahn who has agreed to be the secretary until the end of the year.



New Executive Committee

A new executive committee will be voted in at the banquet. Those interested need to form a team of 4 people (president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary).



New executive committee member

At the last captains meeting, a proposal was made to appoint a steering committee or extra committee member to look at ways the league can develop and improve. The current committee felt that finding more people to volunteer for such a role would be difficult. Instead, to try and garner the opinions of the league, the committee will set up polls for league members to express their opinions on issues concerning the IPL.




There have been 2 changes to the time-out rule, effective immediately.


The rule was:


1.6.2. A player is limited to 1 time-out per a game in singles games. Each time-out is not to exceed 2 minutes, and may be called by the player or the captain of the player's team. If the captain calls the time out, he/she may do so at any time prior to the player making contact with the cue ball with his/her cue.


It has been changed to:


1.6.2. A player is limited to 1 time-out per a game in singles games. Each time-out is not to exceed 2 minutes, and may be called by the player or the player's team. If the team calls the time out, he/she may do so at any time prior to the player making contact with the cue ball with his/her cue.


This was passed by an 11-1 vote


The second rule change concerns refusing time-outs.

If a player’s team calls a time-out, it will be counted as the time-out for that game, whether the player shooting wants to receive advice or not. The player shooting cannot refuse to accept the time-out and then call a time-out later in the game.


The vote was unanimous.



Trophies for most special games

It was proposed that the player with the most special games (8-ball runs or break & runs) be recognised at the end of the season. This was voted in unanimously. However, rather than receiving a trophy it was decided that some other form of recognition be awarded.


By a vote of 9-3, it was decided that one award be made for the player with the most 8-ball runs and break & runs combined, rather than separate awards for the most 8-ball runs and one for the most break & runs.



Table run pin

This will be awarded to players who run all the balls available when they first select stripes or solids but miss out on an 8-ball run because one or more balls in that set have already been potted.

This was voted in unanimously.




A proposal was made that Itaewon Pool League t-shirts be made for league members wishing to purchase them. The committee will look into this further, especially as to what the shirts could cost, and what the best method of ordering and receiving payment would be.



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