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Path:HomeLeague • Announcements


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Date: Saturday March 23, 2013

Locations: Hollywood Grill, Bulldog, Sin Bin, JR Pub

Mode: Singles tournament in 2 brackets based on player ratings on the day of the tournament. All registered players will be separated into upper and lower ratings brackets, with an equal number of players per bracket.



Time: March 23, 3pm - 3.45pm, at Hollywood (tournament starts 4pm)

Fee: KRW10,000 per player

Requirements: Participating players need to have played on 3 different match days in the current season. Check whether you fulfil this requirement by clicking menu Statistics, then Qualifiers, then select option Mid-Season Qualifiers and scroll down to find your team.



No trophies will be awarded for the winners of this tournament.

The following prize money will be awarded to the winners in each bracket on the day of play:

1st: 150k (KRW150,000), 2nd: 100k, 3rd: 75k, 4th: 50k,

5th-8th: 20k

The organizational meeting for the new season will be held January 13, 2013 at 6pm at


Bless U.


Teams who wish to participate in the Winter/Spring 2013 season must have a representative at this meeting to register the team. You must provide the following details: the bar you are playing from, team name, team captain's contact details (including phone number and email address), and KRW100,000 deposit on league dues. Further information for the new season will be given at the meeting


League dues this season will be KRW350,000 per team. 


The league will start match play on Wednesday, January 16.

There have been a couple of reports of less than sportsmanlike behavior reported over the past couple of weeks.


While tempers can sometimes get short and frustrations arise, please remember that when playing, you are representing the Itaewon Pool League. Violent and abusive behavior goes against our rules and any reports of such behavior will be taken very seriously by the executive committee.


The Itaewon Pool League relies on the goodwill of bars to host teams. It is supposed to be a bit of friendly competition and, of course, the chance to have a few drinks and socialize mid-week. Any actions that threaten the relationship the league has with the bars we play in negatively affects the league as a whole.


This is supposed to be a social league and a chance to let off some steam but please ensure that you and your teammates behave appropriately.


Happy shooting.

At our end-of-season banquet (Fri Dec 21), league member chose a new executive committee for 2013 from a choice of two teams.

Team 1

President: Alan Green

Vice-president: Lenny Erickson

Treasurer: Jeff Trageser

Secretary: Emily Yang

Team 2

President: Johan Stenstroem

Vice-president: Rod Veltman

Treasurer: Jeff Trageser

Secretary: Mike Osenton

Votes counted for Team 1: 78.

Votes counted for Team 2: 12.

(NB: Jeff Trageser was on the slate for both teams.)


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