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Path:HomeLeague • Announcements


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This year's banquet will now be on December 6, not December 13 as previously posted. This is due to a previous booking at the hotel on the date we ideally wanted.


Mid-season singles tournament: Saturday, Sept. 7

Bye week for Chuseok: Wednesday, Sept. 18

Mid-season doubles tournament: Saturday, Sept. 28

Mid-season captains meeting: Sunday, Sept. 29

Last week or regular season: Wednesday, Nov. 20

Playoffs: Sunday, Nov. 24 - Wednesday, Dec. 4

Banquet: Friday, Dec. 6

End of season singles tournament: Saturday, Dec. 7



Dates are provisional but notification of any changes will be given on the website


The Sumer/Fall 2013 season will begin on Wednesday, July 3.  

The divisions have been drawn and the schedule has now been posted.


Captains can now migrate players into their teams to prepare for the new season. Go to Edit Team after login and click the [Migrate] button to search for team members who played on a different team last season, select and click [Assign]. Please contact a league official if you don't know how to login to the site.


Remaining league dues should be paid by July 10. Our treasurer, Jeff Trageser will be playing at Hollywood for the first two weeks of the season and all money should be given to him.


All scoresheets must be handed in to Shenanigans, the new name for Bless U, even if the scores have been entered. They don't have to be dropped off on the night the match is played but should be handed in at a later date. This is so any unknown players can be tracked down and any discrepencies dealt with.



JUNE 30, 2013




  1. Registration and outline for season
  2. Finances
  3. Proposals for changes to league
  4. Drawing of divisions
  5. Any other business


28 teams registered to play in the Summer/Fall Season 2013


First week of regular season – Wednesday, July 3

Mid-season tournament – Saturday, September 7

Bye week for Chuseok – Wednesday, September 18

Mid-season tournament – Saturday, September 28

Last week of regular season – Wednesday, November 20

Playoffs – Sunday, November 24 – Wednesday, December 4

End of season singles tournament – Saturday, December 7

Banquet – Friday, December 13



The league has carried over 2,162,000 won from last season.





1. Change to league structure

  1. Skill-based divisions
  2. Balanced divisions (seeding of stronger teams into the different divisions)
  3. No change in the current league structure

Skill-based divisions

League would be composed of 4 divisions, 2 upper divisions and 2 lower divisions.

Each team would play the other teams in their respective division twice during the season, once home and once away. The remaining matches will be randomly generated against teams in the other division in their respective level.

Playoff Structure

The playoffs would be the same as now, except that the two divisional winners would be seeded 1 and 2, with the remaining teams seeded according to their record. 

When captains come to the organizational meeting, they will be asked to pay a 100,000 won deposit on the league dues, a minimum of players on their roster and a request to either play in the upper or lower divisions. If the numbers for the upper and lower divisions are not equal, the executive committee will determine which teams will play in the higher or lower divisions based on the rosters provided by the captains. 

Balanced Divisions

Regular Season

  1. Seed the first 4 teams of the previous season into the 4 divisions
  2. Seed the next 4 teams into the 4 divisions
  3. Seed the next 8 teams into the 4 divisions
  4. Seed all remaining teams into the 4 divisions


  1. The first 2 rounds of the Championship playoffs are played within the division, e.g. solids1-solids4, solids2-solids3, then the winner of both determine the division playoff winner.
  2. The last 2 rounds are played for the league Championship, e.g. winner of solids vs stripes, winner of high vs. low ball division.
  3. The best of the rest bracket plays the playoffs following the bracket ranking, which is the same as it was done during the past few seasons.



The first vote was whether to change the structure of the league or keep it the same. Captains voted 9-2 in favor of changing the structure.

The second vote was whether to change to skill-based or balanced divisions. Captains voted 14-0 in favor of balanced divisions.


2. Appoint a steering committee


Establish a steering committee, separate from the executive committee to look for ways to incrementally improve the league, provide proposals to the captains meetings, research what works and what doesn't work in bar leagues, utilize the voting tools on the website to gather sentiment of the league.


Discussion led to whether a committee be formed or an extra member added to the executive committee to look at ways the league can be improved. Captains voted 8-7 in favor of one of these options. A proposal on whether to establish a committee or add another member to the executive committee will be voted on at the mid-season captains meeting as a concrete proposal outlining the responsibilities would need to be drawn up.


3. Tournaments

Propose all IPL tournaments count toward rankings or that none do.


Captains voted 9-7 in favor of all Itaewon Pool League tournaments to count toward player rankings.


The mid-season singles tournament will be a trophy tournament. The mid-season doubles and end of season singles tournaments will both be money tournaments with trophies for first place.





Players must make sure they do not interfere with their opponent’s shot by standing by the table or moving around in the shooter’s sight line. Captains need to assist the referee by helping ensure their players don’t distract the shooter.


Rule 1.8. Unsportsmanlike Conduct

1.8.1. Any player that interferes with the game can result in an automatic loss of the game. The Referee will make the determination. The Referee can offer an automatic win or a simple ball in hand foul, depending on the severity of the interference.


4.16. Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Sanctions for unsportsmanlike conduct in our league are regulated in 1.8

Unsportsmanlike Conduct.

Unsportsmanlike conduct is any intentional behavior that brings disrepute to

the sport, league or venue, or which disrupts or changes the game to the

extent that it cannot be played fairly. It includes

(a) distracting the opponent;

(b) intentionally changing the position of the balls in play other than by a shot;

(c) playing a shot by intentionally miscuing;

(d) continuing to play after a foul has been called or play has been suspended;

(e) practicing during a match;

(f) marking the table;

(g) delay of the game; and

(h) using equipment inappropriately.



If a player in a team is banned from the bar they are scheduled to play out of, it is up to the bar’s management as to whether they will allow the banned player in to play the match. The league has no influence in this area.



If a bar has one table, only 2 teams may play out of it. There had been requests from bars to host 3 teams. This is not possible, nor does it benefit the bar as no more home games could be played.



The executive committee will be purchasing a laptop for league use. While the major necessity is being able to put the program that creates the season schedule on it, this will also allow all relevant information to be easily handed over to a new executive committee. Without the scheduling program, setting up a new season with our league’s parameters would be a major headache.

A program for setting up tournaments as well as the league’s financial records, banquet details and liquor orders, banquet Power Point presentation, photos and other pertinent information would also be uploaded. Currently much of this is on our treasurer’s computer.

The estimated cost of the laptop is $400.

Date: Friday, June 21, 2013

Location: Crown Hotel, Itaewon
(Banquet hall, 2nd floor, stairs are in the main lobby to the right, see map. Please scroll to the bottom of the link to see the Crown Hotel Itaewon map.)

Schedule: 7pm - 10pm
(Door opens 6.30pm. Buffet opens at 7.15pm)


We will review the past season; hand out awards to teams, playoff winners, and our most successful individual players of the season; have a raffle; and enjoy the banquet—hopefully in the company of many of our members.


Guests are welcome to the banquet. Please understand that we need to charge a KRW30,000 entrance fee for non-members of the Itaewon Pool League. For members (anyone who played at least one game during the last season) entrance is free, as it is covered through league dues paid by each team. A GUEST MAY NOT TAKE THE PLACE OF A TEAM MEMBER WHO IS NOT COMING.


Hope to see you this Friday!


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