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Happy Chuseok everyone and welcome to the Mid-Season Review or should that be the 'Season of Darryl Dawson'?

We are now half way through the current league season and much has happened since my early season review. Two tournaments have been played, Seoul sent a pool team to Vietnam (sadly they did all return - no, I only jest) and we also have some worrying news about a league stalwart.

Jon Bell

The league was sad to hear that Jon Bell, one of the longest serving players in the league and all round nice guy, suffered a serious accident last week coming out of Shenanigans. It appears he is facing the prospect of a number of surgical procedures and that his eyesight might be badly affected. It's at times like this the league comes into its own and shows what a great community we are, as already plans are being put in place for a tournament to raise money for Jon. It looks like Shenanigans will host a tournament on October 1st and it is hoped this can raise a considerable amount to help Jon. If anyone would like help out on the day or make a contribution please get in touch with Willy (at Shenanigans), Ronan or myself. More details will follow in the next week or so. We are thinking of you, Jon.


The Mid-Season Singles Tournament was a quiet affair and only 24 hardy souls made the effort to enter. This is partly down to the fact Bernard plied half of the league with tequila and sambuca the night before at his going away party that nobody could actually function as a normal human being on the day of the tournament. Darryl Dawson took the honours in the Upper Bracket steadily quelling the resistance of Doo-Mann Lim in the preliminary final and then seeing off the spirited Yang Hwa-sil in the final. Hwa-sil had, in the course of running through the loser's bracket, taught her own team why she was the boss of Zzyzx by defeating 3 of her teammates. The Lower Bracket was won by Kevin 'Leeboy' Lee who defeated Paulino Torrico in the final after a tense battle. I do wish I could tell you more about that tournament but I was desperately sweating tequila and trying not to fall asleep as a result of the previous night. Many thanks to all those who helped at the tournament, especially Bernard (how were you even there?), Russ and David Zoo(who claimed a well deserved 3rd place in the Lower Bracket).

David's reward for finishing third in the Bracket was to partner the president in the next, and most enjoyable, tournament. The Mid-Season Doubles took place the week after the singles and once again the legend that is Darryl Dawson triumphed. He was of course aided abetted by the new talent of Sean Kim. The only resistance came in the form of Dominic Johnson and David Zoo (the alternative, in more ways that one, Sin Bin Dream Team). Some seriously brilliant pool was punctuated by moments of pure farce as always, and there were several contenders for worst shot of the day and indeed worst frame of the season (Ronan, Jeff - you know what I'm taking about). As always with this competition, the atmosphere beat the playing standard. Honourable mentions should also go to SK Kim and Jun Bongon who, but for some rotten luck, might have taken a higher accolade than 3rd place.

Championship A:

In the battle of the big boys, (the ones with the biggest packages - I'm taking about their gadgets and gizmos - every sentence just descends into innuendo, doesn't it?) Boomtown Rats, Smokin' Aces and Dark Horses seem to be separating themselves from the pack. At the mid-season meeting, Ronan from Wonky Triangles made an impassioned speech arguing for a change in the playoff system that saw his team play only away games last season. He was told in no uncertain terms that to avoid this his team should not finish 4th. Naturally he is ignoring this and they currently sit 4th. Angry Birds have woken up and are beginning to press for a top 4 spot. Shenanigans were beginning to adapt to life in the top division by downing Dic-Taters but returned to mediocrity against Boomtown Rats. Dic-Taters then pulled off the shock of the season so far by beating a full strength Smokin' Aces on a night that saw the two teams complete two matches on two tables in the same venue. Oh, and in other news, Misfits are in this division too - shhh, we won't speak about that.

Championship B:

Zzyzx continue to pound all comers including Championship A sides. Shenanigans, Smokin' Aces and Boomtown Rats have all fallen to Hwa-sil's all conquering team. 8 Ball Land have already overhauled Scandal but the other teams in that division, Bombadeers (spelling was never their strong suit), Green Light, King Pub and The Pain, all look very evenly matched and it is rumoured they are threatening a break away league not involving Zzyzx.

Championship C:

Just this week the final team paid their dues to the league - only TWO months late but the league happily accepted it. I will not name and shame that captain; it's not my style. I can tell you the problem occurred when the team treasurer took the money to China and the team secretary was unable to contact him and the vice-president of the team was seen bribing an IPL official. It all got rather scandalous but on the upside, the team captain is currently writing a novel based on the events. Jumie's Runners continue to dominate and Super Power are beginning to show themselves to have a little more energy (I'm not sure you can call it power yet) and may prove to be the only serious rival to the Runners. It seems like Sweet Life, Frigates, Free Shots, Ballistics and Pheasants are waiting for the playoffs to come around and then they'll take the competition seriously.

Enjoy the holidays and good luck to all teams for the second half of the season.

An update on the current season with regards to set up, team fees, formats and changes to the original planned schedule.

Firstly thanks to all teams for their patience and understanding with regards to schedule this season. It was a difficult start to the league season but I'm sure the most important thing is we are back playing pool again.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: 3 Alley Seoul withdraw

Championship B has had an early withdrawal, the legendary 3 Alley Seoul is no more. We have worked hard and have found a team to replace them. JR Pub the Fire will join the league from Wednesday in Championship B. They will follow 3 Alley Seoul's original schedule and unfortunately that does cause a few clashes. This Wednesday's fixture at home to King Pub Seoul will now be played at King Pub. There are clashes in week 11 and 19 but I will advise the 2 teams (Fat Albert's Scandal and JR BBQ Smokin' Aces) it affects ahead of those matches.


All team fees should be paid by this Wednesday, July 20th. I will be messaging reminders to captains whose teams have outstanding debts and advising them on the best way to swell the coffers of the IPL.


Saturday, August 27th - Mid-season singles trophy tournament

Sunday, August 28th - Mid-season captains' meeting

Saturday, September 3rd - Mid-season doubles money tournament

Wednesday, September 14th - Chuseok Holiday - no games

Saturday, November 12th - End-of-season doubles trophy tournament

Saturday, November 19th - End-of-season singles money tournament

Wednesday, November 23rd - Last game of the regular season

Sunday, November 27th, Wednesday, November 30th, Sunday December 4th, Wednesday, December 7th - Playoffs

Friday, December 16th - End-of-season banquet

The IPL 2016 Summer/Fall Season is now well under way and we have already completed a fifth of the regular season and some early, and worrying, trends seem to be developing...

Championship A seems to be splitting off into two separate divisions - let's call them the haves and the have nots - Boomtown Rats have set a cracking pace before being brought down to earth by the Wonky Triangles who were in turn destroyed the previous week by the rather aptly named Dark Horses. The Dark Horses also have some interestingly styled nicknames that seem vaguely reminiscient of old Estyle, although there is no truth in the rumour that Mark Barnes et al are planning to sue on plagiarism grounds. Lurking in the shadows are the Smokin' Aces who have a game in hand to play against the team everyone seems to spell incorrectly on their score sheets, namely the Dic-Taters (Not Dick-Taters or Dick-Tasters). The Angry Birds fresh from winning the Ratings League last season now find themselves bottom of that league this time around - I have heard on the grapevine they are planning to change their name to Dolce Vita Pokemon Go in order to kick start their season. Shenanigans and Misfits make up the top division and both have complained about right right to be in such esteemed company but they did produce one of the best games of the season so far when playing each other.

Championship B is where all the serious action is to be found as long as you don't count the fact that zzzzzzzzzZZyzx are, rather boringly, running away with it. Green Light are proving to be the most dogged of fighters so far winning every game they have played 8-7 while Tomato seem determined to follow their play-off strategy of making every match as close as possible too, although they slipped up this week by actually winning 9-6 - must try harder fellas. The Pain, King Pub and Scandal have also played in a number of close matches - South East Asian betting firms are suspected and bribery claims are being looked into as the league takes this sort of thing very seriously. Of course the biggest scandal (Not Fat Albert's this time) was the false start that was 3 Alley Seoul. A spokesperson from the now defunct franchise (Rod Veltman - always quote your source) has assured 3 Alley fans that this is a one season only prospect and the boys will return next season after their liver transplants. JR Pub the Fire have kindly stepped into the breach, 'Doo Mann' changing his name and captaining to celebrate their backdoor entrance into the season.

Championship C was off to a messy start and the executive committee had to assure many teams that the rumour was true - Phillies have two teams and yes, they have a new table. Frigates have been a welcome addition to the league and have surely the most wonderfully named captain ever to grace the league, Ama Baer. Jumie's Runners seem determined to escape the division this time around and are clearly enjoying life at Scrooge Pub. Sweet Life are as charming as ever, even agreeing to a postponement just 30 seconds before play was due to start. The big surprise is that Super Power haven't really flexed their muscles yet and may not win the division. Free Shots have told me that if you say their name they will provide every team with obligatory 'Free Shots'. Pheasants are proving to be the strongest team in the league by propping up the rest and providing a second home to Ballistics this season.

On top of all that, there is a weekly tournament up and running at JR BBQ every Tuesday from 7:30pm - Sign Ups are from 6:15-7:15pm and it costs 10,000won to enter. They have been fiercely competitive so far so get yourself along there for a feast of top pool playing.

Enjoy the competition everyone :)

Welcome to the IPL Summer/Fall 2016 Season

Firstly, apologies for the delay in getting a schedule together. As some will know, it has been a very trying time putting a program together and trying to accommodate all the caveats and stipulations we have created for ourselves over the years. The perfect schedule has proved to be impossible but we do have a solution which will keep most teams satisfied. We appeal for your understanding and patience as we are not computers and most of this was done by hand. I will go around the stadiums on Wednesday night and explain the problems in full and try to placate teams who have issues.

The most important thing to remember is that we have some pool to play. That being said, the first week's fixtures are as follows:

JR BBQ Smokin'Aces @ JR BBQ Dark Horses

Shenanigans @ Dolce Vita Angry Birds

Bull & Barrel Misfits @ Shenanigans Boomtown Rats

Sin Bin Dic-Taters @ Scrooge Pub Wonky Triangles

3 Alley Seoul @ JJ's Zzyzx

JJ's The Pain @ Sin Bin Tomato

Fat Albert's Scandal @Bulldog FUTA

Bulldog Super Power @ Phillie's Frigates

Phillie's Pheasants @ Bull & Barrel Ballistics

Dolce Vita Sweet Life @ JR Pub Troyjans

Scrooge Pub Runners @ King Pub Seoul

Many thanks to Bernard for his tireless work in helping us get ready for this season.

Good luck to all, play hard and enjoy the craic.


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