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The mid-season singles trophy tournament will be held Saturday, September 20th.

Signups will be at Shenanigans from 3:00 to 3:45. Tournament will begin as close to 4:00 as possible.

The upper bracket will be played at Shenanigans and Dolce Vita, with the finals at Shenanigans.

The lower bracket will be played at Bulldog and Woodstock, with the finals at Bulldog.

This is a trophy only tournament, so it is free to any player who has played at least three matches this season.

The tournament will be divided into two brackets, based on player ratings on the day of the tournament. It will be a double-elimination tournament, and will count toward the ratings.

Trophies will be awarded at the end of the season for the first three places in each bracket.

I hope to see a large number of players!

Here are the dates that you need to be aware of for this season:

Wednesday, July 30th - deadline to have all team dues paid

Saturday, September 20th - Mid-season double-elimination singles trophy tournament

Sunday, September 21st - Mid-season captains' meeting

Saturday, September 27th - Mid-season double-elimination blind draw doubles money tournament

Wednesday, November 26th - last regular season matches

Sunday, November 30th; Wednesday, December 3rd; Sunday, December 7th; Wednesday, December 10th - Playoffs

Saturday, December 13th - End-of-season double-elimination singles money tournament

Friday, December 19th - End-of-season banquet

Due to three forfeited matches in a row, the JR Pub Exel team has been dropped from the league this season. All matches that were previously scheduled against JR Pub Exel will be byes. The matches will be scored as the average of the team's scores throughout the season, with no match win bonus point.

The following teams will be affected in the month of August. Please check your team schedule beyond August.

August 13 - JR BBQ

August 20 - Sin Bin Potato

August 27 - Bull and Barrel Frozen Finger

Once again, it is always unfortunate when one of our teams drops out, but sometimes these things can't be helped.

Wednesday, July 9th, 7 pm at Shenanigans.

All teams that want to join the league need to have a representative present at the meeting, and must bring 100,000 won as a registration deposit.

Season starts Wednesday, July 16th.


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