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Path:HomeLeagueAnnouncements • Organisational Meeting January 6th, 2016


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The organisational meeting for the Winter/Spring 2016 season was held on January 6th in Scrooge Pub. A total of 22 teams registered for the new season:

1 3 Alley Seoul -

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2 3 Alley Seoul Misfits -

0 0 0 0
3 Bull and Barrel Ballistics -

0 0 0 0
4 Bulldog Estyle -

0 0 0 0
5 Bulldog Runners -

0 0 0 0
6 Dolce Vita Angry Birds -

0 0 0 0
7 Dolce Vita Sweet Life -

0 0 0 0
8 Fat Alberts Scandal -

0 0 0 0
9 JJ's The Pain -

0 0 0 0
10 JJ's Zzyzx -

0 0 0 0
11 JR BBQ The Fire -

0 0 0 0
12 JR Pub All Stars -

0 0 0 0
13 JR Pub Troyjans -

0 0 0 0
14 King Bar Kings -

0 0 0 0
15 Scrooge Pub Phoenix -

0 0 0 0
16 Scrooge Pub Wonky Triangles -

0 0 0 0
17 Seoul Pub FUTA -

0 0 0 0
18 Shenanigans -

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19 Shenanigans Boomtown Rats -

0 0 0 0
20 Sin Bin Potato -

0 0 0 0
21 Sin Bin Tomato -

0 0 0 0
22 Upper Deck Loose Cannons -

0 0 0 0

Mark spoke first and gave a brief overview of the league's finances. Anyone is free to look over the books, just contact Mark at Scrooge Pub. The captains' responsibilities were then reiterated (although the captains who needed to hear it of course weren't present!).

We then moved on to discussing the divisional structure for the next season. It had been decided at the extraordinary captains meeting in December to go with three divisions, each with separate playoffs. The divisions will be: Solids, made up of the top 8 teams from last season; Stripes, made up of the next 7 teams; and Low Ball, made up of the final 7 teams. We will be keeping the new 'Australian' style playoff system which means the top 4 teams in each division will have a second chance. This means only 2 teams from each division will be knocked out in the first round of playoffs.

There were a couple of proposals concerning forfeiting to be voted on:

Proposal 1: A team that forfeits the first round of playoffs will be disqualified from the competition. Of course this only applies to those teams who have a second chance, i.e. the top four teams in each division this season. The proposal was passed by 12 votes to 4.

Proposal 2: A team will be disqualified for forfeiting any three matches during the season. This was defeated by a vote of 15:1 against the proposal.

Proposal 3: A team will be disqualified for forfeiting 3 matches in a row, or any 5 matches in a season. This was passed with a vote of 13:2 in favour of the proposal.

At this point a discussion ensued about forfeiting versus rescheduling. It was suggested that forfeiting a match should be a last resort. Captains should work together to ensure matches are rescheduled instead of being forfeited. Of course, informing an opposition captain of problems in fulfilling a fixture one hour before the match is scheduled to start is problematic. Captains should strive to know if they have players to fulfill a fixture at least one day in advance.

There were also a couple of proposals relating to players using real names and photo IDs.

Proposal 1: Each team captain will provide photos of all their players to be made available on the website.

Proposal 2: Players will have to use their real names on the website and must match with an ID card.

As these were proposed in response to the actions of only one team it was decided by a vote of 13:0 to not implement either of them.

Finally it was decided to make the new 'handicap ratings system' available to view on the website. This will award match points according the the ratings points won/lost, not the number of games won/lost. It is possible for a team to win by a score of say 10-5 and lose points in the handicap ranking. This new ranking is designed to add an interesting new feature in the statistics section of the website and will not supplant the usual points system. What, if any, awards will be offered for winners of this ranking system is to be decided by the executive committee. Many thanks to Bernard for his hard work in developing and implementing this new feature.

The meeting disbanded to a hearty chorus of "Huzzah" which almost, but not quite, drowned out an unidentified yet powerful "flubber" sound. A barrage of top hats and canes were thrown ecstatically, and Lenny was borne into the night on the shoulders of his adoring acolytes.


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