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Path:HomeLeagueAnnouncements • Midseason Captain's Meeting March 22nd, 2015


본 사이트 사용을 위해 자바스크립트를 허용해야 합니다

The Winter/Spring 2015 mid-season captain’s meeting was held in Scrooge Pub on March 22nd, 2015. There were a few tired looking faces following the previous night’s exertions, but everyone soldiered on admirably.

There were 14 teams represented:

Bull & Barrel Rising Stars

Scrooge Pub Wonky Triangles

Shenanigans Boomtown Rats

Sin Bin Potato

Scrooge Pub Phoenix

Bulldog Rackem and Crackem

Dolce Vita Angry Birds

Friends the Pain

Sin Bin Tomato

3 Alley Pub

Bulldog Miss Q

Bulldog Lounge

Dolce Vita Sweet Life

Hollywood Scandal

There were only a few proposals to be discussed and voted on.

Proposal 1: to create an online Hall of Fame for the IPL. This would honour the people who have contributed greatly to the league, both in terms of organizing and playing. It was proposed that two people per season would be inducted.

The nuts and bolts weren’t decided on the day but the proposal passed by 10 votes to 0

Proposal 2: to replace the trophies given to the players of the teams who finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the play-offs with medals. Mark Jones explained the savings the league would make by adopting this strategy.

7 voted for the proposal, 5 against, so the proposal was passed.

Proposal 3: to change the names of the play-off divisions to Championship A and Championship B.

This passed with a vote of 11:0.

Proposal 4: to award the players of the teams who finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd in both play-off divisions with medals reading Championship A and Championship B.

This passed with a vote of 8:0.

Dominic then asked for suggestions for charities to donate to at the end of the year. If anyone would like to nominate a charity please let a member of the executive committee know.

Dominic also reminded everyone that the league will adopt a new play-off system this season. This means the finals and 3rd/4th place games will be held on Sunday, June 21st.

It was also announced that Mark and Jumie have secured the Crown Hotel for banquets for the next two years at no extra cost. There will be a slight reduction in the amount of food offered, but there will still be unlimited refills. Also, we are still free to bring in our own alcohol. Huzzah!

On that note the meeting ended in an orgy of hugs and smiles, just like the end of Saturday Night Live.


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