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Path:HomeLeagueAnnouncements • Organizational Meeting


본 사이트 사용을 위해 자바스크립트를 허용해야 합니다

0. New treasurer

Doug Moulton, who has served as treasurer of this league for quite some time, is stepping down from the rôle ahead of this season. The executive committee has asked Jeff Trageser (who has previously served as Treasurer) to stand in for Doug this season. Jeff agreed and the captains ratified the appointment (unanimously).

1. Team sign-up

28 teams signed up for the Summer / Autumn 2012 season. The league website will shortly show team names, their home bars, and the divisions. The season's match schedule will be available later.

2. Season schedule

First match night of season: July 11
Last match night of regular season: November 21
Banquet: December 14

3. Rules

There were no rules changes made at the meeting, but three new rules that were voted on at last season's mid-season meeting will come into effect this season:

1. Teams may only reschedule matches four times in a season. A fifth rescheduling will be scored as a forfeit.

2. Teams must agree to reschedule matches providing ample notice is given.

3. Breaking will alternate game by game between teams.The order for breaking will be determined by a single coin-flip at the beginning of each set.

See the previous meeting minutes for further details. The league rules will reflect these changes before the season begins on July 18.

4. Further info for captains

John and Young-hee will wait in Dolce Vita on Wednesday July 11 and 18 until midnight for the remaining team dues. Teams that have not paid in full by July 18 will be given 3 penalty points and will forfeit all matches until the dues have been paid in full. The down payment is not reimbursable.

Please hand your score sheets in to Bless U on time. If you wish to photograph your score sheet and send it to me by KakaoTalk or What'sApp, that is also acceptable.

Please only add new players after having verified the player has never played in the league before.

5. Review of league finances and vote on raising team dues

The president reviewed the league finances as a preamble to voting on cutting costs and raising team dues. It was noted that:

1) The Crown Hotel plans a significant price hike for the use of its banquet hall;

2) finding a suitable alternative location may prove challenging; and

3) league dues have not been hiked in 10 years.

After some lengthy discussion, it was agreed by vote that:

1) Spending on trophies and pins would in principle be limited to KRW1.5m per season (unanimous);

2) Payouts for tournaments would be capped at KRW3.0m, to be divided at the discretion of the executive committee (unanimous);

3) The bulk of monies remaining at the end of season would be given to a charity—preferably "local" and possibly chosen by consensus (unanimous); and

4) League dues would be raised to KRW350,000/team from this season. (For: 15, Against: 9)

6. Draw

All 28 teams were assigned to one of the 4 divisions by draw.


우리는 쿠키를 사용하여 학대를 막기 위해 사이트 경험과 보안 문자를 향상시킵니다. 우리는 추적 또는 사용자 식별을 위해 쿠키를 사용하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 개인 정보 보호 정책을 읽으십시오.