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Semi-Pro Players in our Amateur League

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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines - il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #388 par Johnny Magyaros
Réponse de Johnny Magyaros sur le sujet Debate about league players
I suggest that anyone who is not satisfied with the way the league is set up, then please by all means join an also-ran league in another area of Korea. Our league is the best structured one I have ever been involved with. We do not and I mean DO NOT have professional players in our league. I wish everyone would stop crying in their beer—or is it in their milk! Again, if one don't like it then leave it. OK!! Sorry for the sarcasm gents and ladies, but folks are folks and love to be critical about any good or bad thing. But we have a good thing going. Right!!
PS. One other point about professional players: If anyone has watched pro players on TV in 9-ball or 8-ball match races, then they would understand what being a pro player is all about. Those pro players are able to run not just one nor two break-and-runs but many. No one player in our league is capable of doing that. The only player that is close to being considered a professional is my friend Bhoy. Yet if Bhoy was professional, then why does he once in a while lose games to low-ranked players even like myself? I run the majority of the Sunday Bulldog Tournaments and there are times when he has been beaten by lesser-ranked players. Oh yeah, how about Stevie? Again, he is not even close to being professional. He is a great player by all means, but not pro. One might even say Zeus is professional since he has won all 27 games he played this season. (Good luck Zeus in trying to break Dewey's all-time record of 34 straight wins.) But in the mid-season singles tournament (for money), he lost his first game to a much lower ranked player. Is he pro? Heck no. But he is a good player. As a final note, it is worthwhile for all of us in order to improve our game to play against good players like Bhoy, Dewey, SH Kim, Jae Suk, Matt, Stevie, Martin, Brian, Greg, Zeus, Ryan, Eric, Jeff, Johan, OK Jin, etc, etc, etc. Let's be thankful we have a great league to play in and to enjoy. Have fun with the remaining (3) matches and the playoffs and good luck to all.
Dernière édition: il y a 12 ans 2 semaines par John Owens.

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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #390 par John Owens
Réponse de John Owens sur le sujet Re:Debate about league players
"...to play against good players like Bhoy, Dewey, SH Kim, Jae Suk, Matt, Stevie, Martin, Brian, Greg, Zeus, Ryan, Eric, Jeff, Johan, Ok Jin, etc, etc, etc."

For god's sake! All these bloody lists and I haven't made it on to one of them yet. I hope you were thinking about me when you typed "etc, etc, etc."!!!

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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #391 par Lenny Erickson
I am pretty certain the second etc. was referring to me. I mean it's pretty clear, right?
Lenny Erickson

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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #392 par Arnaud Ogier
Réponse de Arnaud Ogier sur le sujet Re:Debate about league players
Hopefully Johnny didn't forget to mention me : a much lower ranked player that beat Zeus :-(

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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #393 par Arnaud Ogier
Réponse de Arnaud Ogier sur le sujet Re:Debate about league players

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il y a 12 ans 2 semaines - il y a 12 ans 2 semaines #394 par Johnny Magyaros
Sorry Arnaud and John Owens for not mentioning the both of you.However, it was my intent thatthe etcs were meant for you two guys and a few others.Of course both of you are in the category of the elite players and I should have mentioned the both of you. Perhaps even Mr Woo, Rod, etc. etc. [Lenny]. etc.fall into the elite category.Haha; Lenny thought that one of the etcs was for him. Sorry Lenny, you and I are similar in our play and I don`t consider myself elite—at least not today; perhaps tomorrow, and you too.Great stuff guys!!!!LOL!
Dernière édition: il y a 12 ans 2 semaines par John Owens.

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