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John Redmond Benefit Tournament

6 Jahre 2 Tage her #1184 von Ronan Spillane
Here are some updates for the IPL Pool Tournament Fundraiser for John:
John Redmond 'Wake' and Memorial Pool Tournament.
Location: Fat Albert's, Itaewon. (Behind Hamilton Hotel)
Date: Saturday June 2nd
Time : 4.00 pm until late
4:00 pm: John Redmond Memorial Pool Tournament Fundraiser.
(Registration from 2:30-3:30pm)
Anyone and everyone is invited to join. There will be a lower bracket and upper bracket for everyone to enjoy. The second location for the tournament will be Shenanigan's nearby, but sign-ups will be at Fat Albert's. 10,000 entry with one-time 5,000 buy-back (50% is donated, 50% goes to winner).
Please feel free to come along at any time regardless of taking part in the competition.
8:00 pm: Short Speech/a few tales as well as messages from John's family read by Bernard Hughes; a song sung and played on the guitar in John's honour by Daami Cagney.
The above will be followed by a toast.
• If the pool tournament runs over, the above will follow on. The time will remain the same, however, if the pool tournament finishes earlier.
*Raffle. Prizes - from local bars and restaurants including a Paul Riddle-donated $150 Jump/Break cue (100% is donated).
*Calcutta auction (50% is donated, 50% goes to winner).
Must be present to win prize.
Mingling, mixing and chatting until late.
Please come along and raise a glass in John's honour!!!
*If anyone else would like to say something or you have a story to tell or if you have any message, please contact Bernard directly, and he will read them out on your behalf. Please get in contact with him by Saturday lunchtime at: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Please note that any funds raised will go towards John's family expenses and you can still contribute to the official fund directly.

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