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Proposal to make all doubles games scotch doubles

10 ปี 2 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา #746 โดย Lenny Erickson
Proposal to require all doubles games to be scotch doubles.

Currently, home teams decide whether the doubles games for any given match will be regular or scotch doubles. I have had a few people request that we consider having all doubles games in the league be scotch doubles.

The reasoning behind having scotch doubles is that regular doubles doesn't really seem like doubles. Many times it is just like a singles game, with only one or two the the players taking shots. Scotch doubles makes for more chances for everyone to shoot. Since it is a friendly league, for enjoyment, it seems logical to play scotch doubles, so that both partners can be involved.

Another thing to consider is that our doubles tournament is scotch, so it would be consistent with our tournament format.
Let us know how you feel about this.

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10 ปี 2 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา #752 โดย Bernard Condrau
I like this proposal. In scotch doubles, both players contribute to the win, whereas in regular doubles, often this is not the case.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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10 ปี 2 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา #755 โดย Jeff Potter
Lenny we are both veterans of the league and I am sure that you remember, as I do, when scotch doubles was the only option. It was voted on, accepted, and then played for one season I believe. At the next organizational meeting, it was pretty much a unanimous vote to return to our old ways (scotch or regular). The grass is always greener, as they say.

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10 ปี 2 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา #757 โดย Mark Barnes
I think that if a Team invokes a shot clock rule, they should be precluded from choosing scotch doubles.

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10 ปี 2 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา - 10 ปี 2 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา #758 โดย Lenny Erickson
Actually, Jeff, as I remember it we changed directly from only regular doubles to only scotch doubles, and then after one season it was voted to make it optional. I was at the meeting, and it definitely was not unanimous.
I believe that the reason that the scotch-only rule was done away with was because it was such a radical change from all regular doubles, so teams were not comfortable with the scotch format. I think that just about everyone in the league has had enough exposure to the scotch format by now to possibly allow this measure to be voted back in.
I agree with the proponents of scotch only. It makes for a much more enjoyable game for all four players.
Lenny Erickson
Last edit: 10 ปี 2 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา by Lenny Erickson.

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10 ปี 2 เดือน ที่ผ่านมา #761 โดย Paul Riddle
Ithink the home team should have the choice between scotch and regular. I know Lenny called me many +++ names for deciding to play regular last time, even though his team won, but I like the flexibility.Sometimes a match is running late, and the fact of the matter is that scotch doubles games tend to take longer than regular doubles games. Captains should have the choice. It is also rare for a game to end in one sitting. I feel like enforcing scotch doubles would be tailoring to a specific group's preferred style of play.Bernard maybe you can help with statistics. How many games are played regular, instead of scotch?Maybe that is something that we should be tracking. Why don't we track that by the way? Mark it's another thing that we could track easily. I'd say the majority is played regular, and I think that is reflective of the interests and preference of the league teams. They already have the choice, and I'll bet the choice is often regulars. Why take that away?

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ผู้ดูแล: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
เวลาที่ใช้ในการสร้างหน้าเว็บ: 0.037 วินาที


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